The ICEA was established by The Firm to address employer challenges, aiming to foster fair employer-employee relations and enhance industrial harmony. Its objectives include:
Fostering goodwill and equitable dealings between employers and employees while supporting initiatives for their mutual betterment.
Safeguarding the interests of employers across various industries in matters of industrial relations.
Providing counsel to employers, aiding dispute resolution, and representing them in legal proceedings or relevant bodies.
Resolving conflicts among members and arbitrating disputes upon mutual agreement.
Negotiating with unions or employee organizations on behalf of employers.
Advocating for legislative measures impacting employment terms, welfare, and regulation while engaging with authorities on related issues.
Promoting managerial and technical education, potentially establishing training institutes.
Assisting members in enhancing employee relations through educational programs, resource centers, and regional offices.
Handling association funds sensibly, including borrowing when necessary.
Collaborating with similar associations nationally or internationally to advance shared goals.
Undertaking lawful activities conducive to achieving its objectives.
Seeking financial or material aid from national or international entities as allowed by law.